Paper submission: July 1st  **July 15th** (please submit abstract by July 1st)
Notification of paper decisions: August 10th 
Paper Revisions: August 20th
Camera Ready Papers: August 25th
Workshop: September 18th

CMT submission website:

This year’s workshop proceedings will be published in a Special Issue of the Computer methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization journal.

All papers should be formatted according to the CMBBE templates. The Author Guide, as well as both Microsoft Word and LaTeX templates, can be accessed and downloaded here. Proceedings from last year’s edition of the workshop can be found here and used as a reference for the length and focus of the papers.

We recommend 8-12 page paper for initial submission for peer review and up to 15 page final submission post revision for final publication.

In addition, since the joint workshop has adhered to the double-blinded peer review process, we ask that you please follow the well-known MICCAI anonymity guidelines when preparing your initial  submission in the CMBBE format.