**All times in the schedule are given in Singapore Standard Time (GMT+8)


Chairs: Cristian A. Linte & Elvis Chen 

8:40 – 9:30 SESSION 1: MIXED REALITY Chairs: Cristian A. Linte & Simon Drouin

  1. MIGHTY: a comprehensive platform for development of medical image-guided and holographic therapy software presented by Amaia Arbor Zabala onsite (Paper#3)
  2.  Activation Modes for Gesture-based Interaction with a Magic Lens in AR Anatomy Visualisation presented Louis Schwederling onsite( Paper#21)
  3. VentroAR: Augmented reality platform for ventriculostomy using the Microsoft HoloLens presented by Naghmeh Ansari remotely (Paper#25)
  4. Robotic Surgery Remote Mentoring via AR with 3D Scene Streaming and Hand Interaction presented by Yonghao Long onsite (Paper#27)
  5. Augmented Reality Collaborative Medical Displays (ARC-MeDs) for Multi-User Surgical Planning and Intra-operative Communication presented by Tianyu Song remotely (Paper#31)
  6. Kidney Tracking for Live Augmented Reality in Stereoscopic Mini-invasive Partial Nephrectomy presented Kilian Chandelon remotely (Paper#40)
  7. Towards reducing Visual Workload in Surgical Navigation: Proof-of-concept of an Augmented Reality Haptic Guidance System presented by Gesiren Zhang remotely (#42)
  8. Audiovisual Augmentation for Coil Positioning in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation presented by Laura Schutz remotely (#45)
  9. Interactive, in-browser cinematic volume rendering of medical images presented by Jiaya Xu remotely (#48)
  10. Clinical Trainee Performance on Task-Based AR/VR-Guided Surgical Simulation is Correlated with their 3D Image Spatial Reasoning Scores presented by Roy Eagleson onsite (#51)

9:30 – 10:00 COFFEE BREAK

10:00 – 10:45 KEYNOTE: Dr. Chee-Kong Chui
Chair: Duygu Sarikaya 

10:45 – 11:20  POSTER VIEWING

11:20 – 12:50 NVIDIA LIVE DEMO + LUNCH

Chairs: Qi Dou & Elvis Chen 

  1. SPD Matrices Representing Artery Anatomy for First-pass Effect Prediction by Aggregated Networks with Multi-scale Attentions presented by Jianhai Zhang remotely (Paper#1)
  2. Placental Vessel-guided Hybrid Framework for Fetoscopic Mosaicking  presented by Sophia Bano onsite (Paper#44)
  3. A Tool-free Neuronavigation Method based on Single-view Hand Tracking presented by Fryderyk Victor Kögl onsite (Paper#14)
  4. Hyperspectral image segmentation: A preliminary study on the Oral and Dental Spectral Image Database (ODSI-DB) presented by Luis Carols Garcia Peraza Herrera onsite (Paper#22)
  5. MANGO: Low-Cost Open Source Needle Guidance presented by Caroline Essert onsite (Paper#30)
  6. Regularizing disparity estimation via multi task learning with structured light reconstruction presented by Alistair Weld onsite (Paper#33)
  7. Automatic pancreas anatomical part detection in endoscopic ultrasound videos presented by Adrien Meyer onsite (Paper #36)
  8. Towards Visualizing Early-stage Osteonecrosis using Intraoperative Imaging Modalities presented by Mingxu Liu remotely (Paper#41)
  9. Multi-objective optimization for X-ray exposure reduction during image-guided needle-based procedure Adrien Meyer onsite (Paper#43)
  10. Amplifying action-context greater: Image segmentation-guided intraoperative active bleeding detection presented by SeulGi Hong remotely (Paper#5) 
  11. Towards 2D/3D Registration of the Preoperative MRI to Intraoperative Fluoroscopic Images for Visualization of Bone Defects presented by Ping-Cheng Ku remotely (Paper#47)
  12. Semi-supervised Learning from Coarse Histopathology Labels presented by Fahimeh Fooladgar onsite (#49)
  13. Mixed Reality Interfaces for Achieving Desired Views with Robotic X-ray Systems presented by Benjamin Killeen onsite (Paper#50)

14:00 – 15:00  POSTER VIEWING

15:00 – 15:30 COFFEE BREAK

15:30 – 16:10 SESSION 3: OR WORKFLOWS
Chairs: Duygu Sarikaya & Simon Drouin 

  1. Development and Evaluation of an Open-Source Virtual Reality C-Arm Simulator presented by Daniel Allen remotely (Paper#7) 
  2. Towards an AI-Based Assessment Model of Surgical Difficulty During Early Phase Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy presented by Julian Abbing onsite (Paper#8) 
  3. 3D Human Pose Estimation in Multi-View Operating Room Videos Using Differentiable Camera Projections presented by Beerend G.A. Gerats onsite (Paper#12) 
  4. Surgical Instrument Recognition for Instrument Usage Documentation and Surgical Video Library Indexing presented by Bokai Zhang remotely (Paper#13) 
  5. Hybrid UNet for segmentation of SEEG electrodes on post-operative CT scans presented by Anja Pantovic onsite (Paper#19) 
  6. Know your sensORs — A Modality Study for Surgical Action Classification presented by Lennart Bastian onsite (Paper#28) 
  7. ARST: Auto-Regressive Surgical Transformer for Phase Recognition from Laparoscopic Videos presented by Xiaoyang Zou remotely (Paper#34) 

16:10 – 17:00 SESSION 4: ENDOSCOPY
Chairs: Cristian Linte & Elvis Chen 

  1. Multi-frame optimization for active stereo with inverse rendering to obtain consistent shape and projector-camera poses for 3D endoscopic system by Ryo Furukawa onsite (Paper #2)
  2. A semi-supervised Teacher-Student framework for surgical tool detection and localization presented by Mansoor Ali onsite (Paper#11) 
  3. KST-Mixer: Kinematic Spatio-Temporal Data Mixer For Colon Shape Estimation presented by Masahiro Oda onsite (Paper#15) 
  4. Boundary-aware Feature and Prediction Refinement for Polyp Segmentation presented by Jie Qiu remotely (Paper#16) 
  5. Esophagus Achalasia Diagnosis from Esophagoscopy Based on A Serial Multi-scale Network presented by Kai Jiang remotely (Paper#17)
  6. Anatomy aware-based 2.5D bronchoscope tracking for image-guided bronchoscopic navigation presented by Chang Wang remotely (Paper#20)
  7. Rapid and robust endoscopic content area estimation: A lean GPU-based pipeline and curated benchmark dataset presented by Charlie Budd onsite (Paper#23) 
  8. An ORB-SLAM3 Based Approach for Surgical Navigation in Ureteroscopy presented by Laura Oliva Maza remotely (Paper#29) 
  9. Electromagnetic tracking of endoscopic ultrasound probe for pancreas examination: accuracy assessment under realistic medical conditions presented by Andrien Meyer onsite (#35) 
  10. mvHOTA: A multi-view higher order tracking accuracy metric to measure temporal and spatial associations in multi-point tracking presented by Lalith Sharan remotely (#39)

17:00 – 17:10 AWARDS AND CLOSING